Women, you are invited
to spend the next 4 months
Slowly unfurling
the layers of your woman
Cultivating sensual nectar through your body
Loving every inch of your being
BELLY is a sensual embodiment practice and coaching container devoted to nurturing the parts of yourself that punish, hide, hate, mistrust and extract from your body.
It’s an unfurling of the places where you are rigid, resistant, and avoidant of yourself
So you can break open to the tenderness
of receiving yourself
j u s t a s y o u a r e
BELLY teaches you to guide yourself home to your center,
so you move in the world with the anchor of unshakable self-love
Holding the expanse of both joy and grief
She struts towards her deepest desires
Heart open, hips spiraling in her fullness
Sensitivity in tune with her intuitive knowing
She is her own caretaker and loves herself unconditionally
She doesn’t wait for the outside world
to show her she is worthy
She cultivates her worth as a sweet nectar
A nectar that she drinks of slow deep
She meets with God through the experience of her fertile vessel
and gives space for the full range of her ecstasy, tears and rage
She is radical and rebellious in her love
She doesn’t demand perfection from herself,
Yet, she relishes in her innate cosmic perfection
She doesn’t ask for change, growth or improvement before she loves
She loves you herself just as she is
With every touch
and Breath
What’s Entailed
Sensual movement and self-massage
Mirror work
Shadow work
Visualization and somatic journeying
Energy Work
Guided Journaling
Radical honesty and witnessing
Archetypal expression and play
Personal group coaching